Thursday, December 4, 2008


Buku " 30 Rahasia cari Uang di Internet" pada hari ini sudah best seller. lihat saja tanda best seller yang sudah terdapat pada sampul buku ini, dari beberapa komentar yang sudah membaca buku ini, ternyata sangat membantu dalam memulai dan mendapatkan uang dari internet. bahkan mereka yang awampun bisa dengan cepat memulainya. mungkin di beberapa toko buku stocknya sudah habis, karena hanya dalam waktu 3 minggu buku ini sudah dicetak ulang..buruan mumpung belum kehabisan..kalau memang ditoko buku tidak mendapatkan, bisa hubungi penerbitnya; di email : distributornya di telp : 021-78881850
mudah-mudahan bisa dikirim kealamat Anda

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Get Paid for Providing Marketing Research Data

Consider the following facts and questions;

* The life blood of many companies is to have current market research at their fingertips in order to keep tabs on their markets and competitors

* To this end they are always looking to get a wide range of people's opinions from all walks of life - in fact they are so desperate for this that they are willing to pay for it.

* This is why getting paid for providing your opinion in the form of marketing surveys is such big business and is a totally viable way to make some extra cash or even a steady income.

* How much can I make?
The amount you can make obviously depends on how many market research surveys you complete - they generally pay between $5 and $75 for each survey completed - so work it out for yourself, the earning potential is fairly significant.

Participating in focus groups can net you $150 an hour and phone surveys at $120 an hour.

* Will I have enough surveys to do?
The trick therefore is to be able to get a constant supply of surveys to make it worth your while. So even if you are a survey recipient with some of the biggest market research companies you still may not have enough volume to be able to make enough money.

* How to ensure I get enough surveys?
The best way to make sure you have enough surveys is to sign up with a legitimate survey company that makes it it's business to provide it's subscribers with a constant flow of surveys, focus groups, shopping assignments, etc.

* Where to find a legitimate Survey Company?
Check out Survey Scout - they have been around for ages and have a good reputation in this industry that has seen many scams.

...or, Maximum Paid Surveys who have an excellent reputation in providing enough quality surveys to make decent money from.

In conclusion this is not only a legitimate way to make money online, you can start immediately without needing any sort of internet expertise or experience.

Tips to make money more than $100 a day from google adsense

* Earning Ambition

It's worth mentioning this as many Adsense publishers don't believe that their website is worth more than a few Adsense dollars a month &, whats more, they are satisfied with that.

This is a load of rubbish because the more you believe & want to earn big money from Adsense the better chance you have of achieving this goal.

Just remember that the amount of your effort & commitment to your goals is directly proportional to what you get out - little input = little earnings.

* Adsense Positioning

If your ads are hidden away & out of site its unlikely that your site visitors will be clicking on them which means that you will be earning zero Adsense income.

Generally you should ensure that you have some ads displaying above the fold, ie on your page where your site visitor won't have to scroll down to see them.

However it's useful to have a skyscraper down one of the sides as well - also check out Google's heat map which gives a good insight into the most popular ad placement positioning.

* Your Website Niche

You need to target a niche that is both popular & not too competitive - difficult to achieve this, I know, but try & get the right balance.

If your topic is on something like the mating habits of the north sea clam I don't think you will have many site visitors, let alone any advertisers for Google to serve up Adsense ads on this topic.

The above are just 3 tips that can influence your Adsense earning potential however there is still a lot you need to know to make serious money with AdSense.

And if you don't have that information, you're just throwing money away by not maximizing your Adsense earning potential with new or existing sites.

A word of caution - whilst Adsense is an easy way for website owners and bloggers to make easy money do not bite the hand that feeds.

Be sure to read and fully understand the Adsense ToS (Terms of Service) because Google is ruthless to those who contravene their terms and usually banish them to finding a far less easy way to earning money online - once you've had your account disabled there is no way back.

Google's sophisticated systems will know whether you've employed some dodgy system to click your ads (for example) so do not try and cheat - Google will always catch those who think they can beat the system and summarily close their accounts - which is understandable as Google doesn't want their advertisers to be paying for fraudulent clicks.

For instance if you are making $15,00 a day you could practically double that (without increasing your traffic) by implementing a few simple strategies which are revealed in Joel Comm's Adsense Secrets book.

Joel Comm is generally accepted as the internet's leading authority on Adsense so if you want to claim your piece of the $3.2 billion Dollar Google Cash Machine you should listen to what Joel has to say.

Without giving too much away by implemeting some of his tips and tricks some publishers increased their daily revenue stream by 1600% - they went from $30 a day to over $500 a day - how's that for a real impact on Adsense earnings.

Every chapter of his ebook is overflowing with practical advice, screen-shots of actual web pages and a rare insight into the nuts-and-bolts that drive a successful AdSense business.

So if you are just starting out with Adsense or have been an Adsense publisher for years you will be able to significantly maximize and increase your Adsense income by implementing the strategies in Joel's latest book - Adsense Secrets 4 - and what's more is that it is currently selling for just $9.95

Google's 3Q profit still rises

The economy is sputtering, but Google Inc.'s profits are still accelerating at a rate that suggests the Internet search leader can remain a marketing magnet even when advertisers and consumers aren't in a spending mood.

Google provided the latest evidence of its moneymaking prowess late Thursday with the announcement of a 26 percent increase in third-quarter profits that surpassed analysts' forecasts.

The performance drew a sigh of relief from investors, who had become convinced that Google will suffer along with just about everyone else as the U.S. economy sinks into what is widely expected to be the deepest recession in a quarter-century.

Google shares surged $36.97, or 10.5 percent, in Thursday's extending trading after finishing the regular session at $353.02, up $13.85. It marked a dramatic change in sentiment from earlier Thursday as a cascading wave of pessimism pounded Google's stock price to a three-year low of $309.44.

"People suddenly realized that if there a stock you are going to own through this uncertainty, (Google) is the one," said Canaccord Adams analyst Colin Gillis.

But not even Google feels immune to the worst financial crisis to grip the world since the U.S. stock market crashed in 1929.

Things are looking grim enough to prompt Google -- renowned for its free-spending ways -- to hunker down and start scrimping more than it has in the past.

"This may turn out to be the quarter (Google) grew up and proved it can control expenses," Gillis said.

Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt also offered some of his most sober commentary yet about the state of the economy. "We're all sort of in uncharted territory," Schmidt told analysts during a Thursday conference call.

Google nimbly navigated through the shoals in the third quarter, earning $1.35 billion, or $4.24 per share. That compared to net income of $1.07 billion, or $3.38 per share, at the same time last year.

Excluding costs for employee stock compensation, Google said it would have made $4.92 per share. That figure surpassed the average estimate of $4.75 per share among analysts polled by Thomson Reuters.

Revenue climbed 31 percent to $5.54 billion. After subtracting advertising commissions, Google's revenue totaled $4.04 billion -- about $20 million below analyst estimates.

Google executives have maintained that the company can still thrive because its technology does a better job of finding customers at a lower cost to advertisers than traditional marketing campaigns. Those factors, Google argues, means it could receive an even bigger slice of advertising budgets in a crumbling economy.

What's more, consumers scrambling to make ends meet may be more likely to use the Internet to hunt for bargains -- a quest that could increase the Google search requests that spit out ads.

Schmidt, though, acknowledged that even the Internet's most profitable company is facing a more daunting challenge now than when the third quarter began.

"It is pretty clear the economic situation today globally is worse than people were predicting a month ago," he said during the conference call. He and other Google executives dodged questions about how ad sales have fared as the economic outlook darkened during the past month.

Google co-founder Sergey Brin predicted the company will emerge from the turmoil even stronger. "My favorite time to manage is during a bust," Brin said in a Thursday interview with The Associated Press. "It brings more clarity about what your customers need and what your priorities should be."

Keeping a closer eye on expenses is a change for Google, which takes pride in spending heavily to treat its employees to free meals and expand the capacity of its data centers that run its search engine, e-mail and other products.

While Google plans to continue feeding its employees for free, the company already has shortened the operating hours of some cafes and, in some instances, is offering two entrees instead of three, Brin said. The company also is reducing the number of contractors it uses.

In another indication of a tightening budget, Google's capital expenditures in the third quarter totaled $452 million, an 18 percent decrease from last year.

That's the lowest amount Google has spent on capital expenditures since the fourth quarter of 2006. Chief Financial Officer Patrick Pichette attributed the sharp decline to the company's fluctuating needs for additional computers, and said spending in that area could rise again.

Google clearly is managing its payroll more carefully. The company hired another 519 workers during the quarter, down from an increase of 2,130 employees at the same time last year. The company now has 20,123 employees.

Even as it curbs its costs, Google's bank account is swelling. The company ended September with $14.4 billion in cash, up from $12.7 billion in June.

Google also is vying to become an even more dominant force on the Internet by selling ads on behalf of its slumping rival, Yahoo Inc. The alliance has been delayed by an U.S. Justice Department investigation into whether the partnership would undercut competition in the Internet advertising market. Schmidt said he hopes to resolve the fate of the Yahoo deal soon.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

8 Cara Jitu Menangkal Penipuan Situs PALSU

Peredaran situs aspal (asli tapi palsu) untuk mencari mangsa di internet sudah jamak terjadi. Pelaku seakan tak mau berhenti dengan kerap melakukan penjiplakan terhadap situs-situs yang penggunanya memiliki data sensitif.

Pihak institusi semisal bank tempat pengguna itu bernaung tentunya kerap memberikan peringatan akan hal ini. Pun demikian, dibutuhkan juga kewaspadaan dari pengguna agar aksi penipuan ini bisa ditangkal.

Berikut adalah 8 cara jitu untuk mencegah aksi tipu-tipu yang biasa dilakukan lewat situs palsu yang dihimpun detikINET dari berbagai sumber:

1. Selalu ketikkan URL yang lengkap untuk alamat situs yang Anda tuju di browser. Telitilah, meskipun hanya berbeda satu huruf, namun bisa jadi Anda malah akan dikirim ke situs jiplakannya.

2. Jangan pernah memberi tahu User ID atau PIN Anda pada orang lain. Bahkan pada staf bank tempat Anda bernaung sekalipun. Sebab, seharusnya pihak bank tidak pernah menanyakan nomor PIN untuk alasan apapun.

3. Jangan mudah percaya jika mendapatkan e-mail yang berisi pemberitahuan bahwa pihak bank akan menutup rekening atau ID Anda jika tidak melakukan konfirmasi ulang dengan data-data pribadi Anda. Pastikan lebih dulu dengan menghubungi bank yang bersangkutan dan jangan me-reply atau mengklik link yang ada pada e-mail tersebut.

4. Jangan terpancing untuk mengikuti anjuran melakukan transfer ke rekening tertentu, dengan tujuan mendapatkan hadiah undian. Sebaiknya cari keterangan lengkap dengan cara langsung menghubungi pihak bank langsung.

5. Sekilas, halaman situs aspal nyaris sama dengan situs resmi milik institusi/lembaga yang resmi. Bahkan tampilannya pun terkadang terlihat kembar. Namun, jika Anda lebih teliti lagi ada perbedaan mendasar, yaitu dari alamat URL ataupun domainnya. Bedakan dengan URL dari alamat situs resmi institusi tersebut, mempunyai subdomain yang sama atau tidak.

6. Pembeda lainnya adalah pada kata depan 'http' dan 'https' di URL. Akhiran 's' pada 'http' tersebut menandakan bahwa situs ini adalah benar-benar telah 'secure', karena dilindungi oleh teknologi enkripsi data berupa Verisign SSL.

7. Meskipun pada halaman situs aspal tercantum pula logo 'Verisign Secured'. Bagi orang awam, tentu sulit membedakannya. Yang dapat menjadi patokan kesahihan sebuah situs e-banking selain tertulis 'https', di bagian kanan bawah browser juga ada gambar gembok yang terkunci.

8. Lebih baik memastikan segala sesuatunya ke institusi terkait secara langsung. Tinggal menghubungi customer service-nya, daripada malu bertanya malah menjadi korban penjahat cyber.

Trik mengapus virus Donald Bebek

Virus Donal Bebek dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic dan terdeteksi sebagai VbWorm.QXE. Salah satu ciri khas virus ini adalah mengandung kata "Bulu Bebek".

Bulu Bebek menyembunyikan folder/subfolder pada flash disk dan membut file duplikat sesuai dengan nama folder/subfolder tersebut untuk mengelabui user. Untuk membersihkannya, simak langkah berikut ini:

1. Sebaiknya putuskan komputer yang akan dibersihkan dari jaringan (jika terhubung ke Local Are Network/LAN).

2. Disable "System Restore" untuk sementara selama proses pembersihan berlangsung (jika menggunakan Windows ME/XP).

3. Matikan proses virus yang sedang aktif di memori, untuk mematikan proses virus ini gunakan tools pengganti taks manager seperti procexp, kemudian matikan proses virus yang mempunyai icon "Folder".

4. Repair registry Windows yang sudah diubah oleh virus. Untuk mempercepat proses tersebut salin script dibawah ini pada program notepad kemudian simpan dengan nama repair.inf. Jalankan file tersebut dengan cara:

* Klik kanan repair.inf
* Klik Install

Provider=Vaksincom Oyee


HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,"regedit.exe "%1""
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, Shell,0, "Explorer.exe"
HKLM, SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SafeBoot, AlternateShell,0, "cmd.exe"
HKLM, SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Control\SafeBoot, AlternateShell,0, "cmd.exe"
HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot, AlternateShell,0, "cmd.exe"
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\SuperHidden, UncheckedValue,0x00010001,1
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor, AutoRun,0,
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL, CheckedValue, 0x00010001,1
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL, DefaultValue, 0x00010001,2
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Command Processor, AutoRun,0,


HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, DisableRegistryTools
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, DisableTaskMgr
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoFolderOptions
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NOFind
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NORun
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\WinOldApp
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\PAYXX.exe
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, Shell
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\HideFileExt
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\ShowFullPath
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\ShowFullPathAddress
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SuperHidden
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoFolderOptions
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, DisableRegistryTools

5. Cari dan hapus file duplikat yang dibuat oleh virus. Untuk mempercepat proses pencarian sebaiknya gunakan fungsi "Search Windows" dengan terlebih dahulu menampilkan file yang disembunyikan.

Jika Folder Option belum muncul, sebaiknya LogOff komputer terlebih dahulu kemudian tampilkan file yang tersembunyi. Setelah file duplikat ditemukan, hapus file yang mempunyai ciri-ciri:

* Menggunakan icon Folder
* Ukuran file 53 KB
* Ekstensi EXE
* Type File "Application"

6. Tampilkan kembali file/folder pada Flash Disk yang sudah disembunyikan. Untuk menampilkan file yang disembunyikan, Anda dapat menggunakan bebarapa tools alternatif seperti Batch File Utility atau dengan menggunakan perintah ATTRIB.

Berikut cara menampilkan file/folder yang disembunyikan dengan menggunakan ATTRIB:

* Klik "Start"
* Klik "Run"
* Ketik "CMD", kemudian tekan tombol "Enter"
* Pindahkan posisi kursor ke drive Flash Disk
* Kemudian ketik perintah ATTRIB –s –h –r /s /d kemudian tekan tombol "enter"

7. Untuk pembersihan optimal dan mencegah infeksi ulang scan, dengan antivirus yang up-to-date dan sudah dapat mendeteksi virus ini.


Eee PC S101 Laptop Baru dari asus

Untuk yang mau beli laptop/netbook baru...

Asus menambah anggota baru di keluarga laptop mini Eee PC dengan meluncurkan Eee PC S101. Seperti apa netbook baru Asus tersebut?

Chief executive officer Asus, Jerry Shen, mengklaim bahwa netbook yang satu ini merupakan perpaduan antara industri inovatif dengan desain yang artistik. Netbook Eee PC S101 memiliki bobot sekitar 2,2 pon dan tebal 1,8 cm.

Dikutip detikINET dari Softpedia, Rabu (8/10/2008), netbook ini didukung dengan prosesor Atom, RAM 1GB dan flash storage hingga 64GB. Sebagai tambahan, user akan mendapatkan free online storage 20GB. Fitur lain yang ditawarkan adalah wireless 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth, Ethernet LAN, tiga port USB 2.0, 4-in-1 memory card reader, colokan VGA, webcam 0.3MP, serta tersedia sistem operasi Windows XP dan Linux GNU.

Diharapkan Eee PC S101 akan menyapa pasar bulan ini dengan bandrol harga sekitar US$699. Eee PC S101 akan dibekali layar 10,2 inchi dan baterai dengan daya tahan hingga lima jam.


Akses Internet WiFi Gratis Daerah JABODETABEK :

1. UNIVERSITAS GUNADARMA, KAMPUS J KALIMALANG - Bekasi Selatan Kampus D bisa di gedung 2 dan 4 (CarPark, Hall, dan Auditorium) Login : c0b4d1b4c4 (atau lihat di mading)
2. Kampus ATMA Jaya, Gedung B
3. Rumah Internet TNT 2 di bilangan Kelapa Gading
9. UNTAR LAMA (sebelah Trisakti )
10. Dunkin Donuts @ TAMAN ANGGREK
11. Cafe BoxOffice @ BOGOR

* Ajiramen (Restaurant) (Restaurant)
* Celcius café (Restaurant)
* Food Court LT 3A (Food Court)
* Gloria Jeans café (Bar/Coffee Shop)
* Mr Baso (Restaurant)
* Rice Bowl (Restaurant)
* Starbuck Café (Bar/Coffee Shop)
* Woku woku (Restaurant) (Restaurant)
13. Bakmi GM Pondok Indah Mal 1 Bakmi GM Pondok Indah Mal 1 (Restaurant)
14. Food Court Mayapada Building lt basement (Foodcourt)
15. Garuda Lounge, Terminal E&F departure, international Airport
16. Bakmi Keriting Restaurant Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 1 Wisma BNI 46 Jakarta 10220
17. Fashion Café Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 1Wisma BNI 46 Jakarta 10220
18. Food Court Restaurant Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 1Wisma BNI 46 Jakarta 10220
19. Java Bay Café Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 1 Wisma BNI 46 Jakarta 10220
20. Mall - Plaza Senayan Jl. Asia Afrika 8 Plaza Senayan Jakarta 10270
21. Marche Moven Pick Restaurant Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav X-0, Graha Surya
22. Internusa Lt Dasar Jakarta 12950
23. Millenia RatuPlaza Jl Jenderal Sudirman RatuPlaza eMall, 4th floor Jakarta 10220
24. Mall - Telkom Teleshop Mall Taman Anggrek Jakarta Barat
25. Harris Hotel Tebet Jakarta Jl. Dr Saharjo 191 Jakarta Selatan
26. Jakarta Convention Center Jl. Gatot Subroto Senayan Jakarta Selatan
27. Mojo Café Mangga Dua Square Level 3, Next to Surya Cinema Jakarta kota
28. Cyber Café Orion Dusit Lantai Dasar. Jakarta Kota
29. Office - Istana Negara Pers Room 1 President Office Jakarta Pusat
30. Office - Telkom Jl. Gatot Subroto Graha Citra Caraka Jakarta Pusat
31. Dunkin Donat Pusat Jl. Hayam Wuruk dekat dengan Wisma Hayam Wuruk Jakarta Kota
32. Plaza Semanggi. Lantai 1 dan lantai 2 dan Food court area Jl. Jendral Sudirman Jakarta Selatan
33. Oma Sendok di jalan Empu Sendok No. 45, Senopati keb baru Jakarta Selatan.
34. Bakoel koffie, Bellaggio, Mega Kuningan.
35. BizNet Cafe,Mega Kuningan
36. Delights cafe,Jalan Kemang Raya, Kemang Jakarta Selatan.
37. Cafe Aksara Bookstore,Kemang, Jakarta Selatan.
38. Restoran Hotel Grand Flora,Kemang, Jakarta Selatan.
39. Cafe Lokananta,Panglima Polim Selatan, Jakarta Selatan.
40. BAKWAN ECETERA, Jl. Benda No. 89, Kemang - Jakarta Selatan,
41. Mal Pondok Indah II, mulai lantai paling bawah hingga ke lantai atas (foodcourt) khusus hari kerja.
42. Depok Town Square (Foodcourt)
43. ZOE Cafe, Depok
44. Cafe/Reataurant Batavia Stasiun kota jakarta.
45. Hot pot Restaurant,Muara karang
46. Sun City Bar/Spa/Restaurant,Jl.Hayam Wuruk,Jakarta Pusat
47. Universitas Budi Luhur
48. Plaza Cengkareng Ramayana.
49. Carefour Taman Palem Lt.3.
50. Kampus BSI Cengkareng
51. Kampus Mercu Buana, Kembangan Jakarta Barat
52. Kampus Univ. Siliwangi - Jl. Siliwangi
53. Mayasari Plaza - Jl. Pasarwetan
54. Asia Mall - Jl.HZ.Mustofa
55. RS Jasa Kartini - Jl. Otista
56. Metropolitan Mall 1-2


1. Shangrila Hotel Margeux
2. Shangrila Hotel Lobby
3. Shangrila Hotel Satoo
4. Accacia hotel (Private)
5. Aston hotel Senen (Private)

Akses Internet WiFi Gratis Daerah Bandung :

1. MELSA HOTSPOT di The Valley - Dago
2. MELSA HOTSPOT(Semua Lantai) di Bandung SuperMall Jl. Gatot Subroto
3. STT TELKOM ( Gedung A, B, C,SC)
5. BEC di food court
6. SMP Negeri 5 Bandung
7. Black Coffee Bar Jl. Cihampelas
8. Gatorade -Bandung Electronic Center GF Jl. Purnawarman, Bandung
9. Istana Plaza ( tiap lantai ) Jl. Pasir Kaliki,Bandung
10. Panos café Gedung BBU (Bumi Bina Usaha), Jl asia afrika
11. QB Bookstore (Setiabudi Supermarket)

Akses Internet WiFi Gratis Daerah Anyer :

1. CIHIDEUNG FOREST By GRETONG - Username : tamu - Password : tamu

Akses Internet WiFi Gratis Daerah Semarang :

1. UNDIP (24 jam)

Akses Internet WiFi Gratis Daerah Jogja :

1. STMIK AKAKOM JANTI (belakang Lobby) Setting : lan proxy-address proxy.akakom port :3128
2. UGM ( perpust UPT1 ugm)
5. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
6. Jendelo cafe
7. Mal Galeria
8. Mal Ambarukmo
9. It’s Coffee
10. Kedai Kopi
11. Centro Billiard & Lounge; Jl. Ring Road Utara
12. Parsley; Jl Kaliurang Km 5,5
13. Momento; Jl. Jembatan Merah, Gejayan - harga makana terjangkau
14. Addicted; Jl. Gejayan
15. Empire Café; Jl. Gejayan - nyaman untuk berinternet
16. Dixie Easy Dining; Jl. Gejayan No. 40b Selatan Selokan Mataram
17. Snap Café; Jl. Gejayan - fasilitas wifi-nya masih baru
18. Kedai Kopi; Jl. Bougenville No. 1 Gejayan, Selokan Mataram - tempatnya agak sempit sih ^_^
19. OWN Cafe Seturan; Selokan Mataram
20. Espresso Café; Jl. Bougenville 1, Selokan Mataram Gejayan
21. Rama Coffee Lounge (Rama Net); Seturan
22. Debucks Coffee; Jl. Babarsari
23. O La La Cafe Saphir Square; Jl. Solo
24. Soda Lounge; Jl. Solo - lumayan juga sih
25. Watu Café; Jl. Urip Sumohardjo
26. It’s Coffee; Jl. Melati Wetan No. 58 Baciro Timoho
27. Galeria Mall; Jl. Sudirman - pas aq nyoba sering dc
28. Ambarrukmo Plasa; Jl.Laksda Adisucipto - lumayan nongkron di tamansari fc nya
29. DPRD DIY; Jl. Malioboro Yogyakarta (User id: pakdirman Password: dprd)

Akses Internet WiFi Gratis Daerah Jawa Tengah :

1. Stt wiworotomo purwokerto 24 jam

Akses Internet WiFi Gratis Daerah Medan :

2. CyberMedic
3. Garuda Plaza hotel
4. Merdeka Walk

Akses Internet WiFi Gratis Daerah Surabaya :

1. Hotel Hilton
2. STIKOM kantin, parkiran, dan sekitarnya ( id minta di satpam atau lihat di papan pengumuman)
3. JS Plasa (dulu Sinar JemurAndayani)
4. Rumah Sakit Internasional Surabaya ( dulu HCOS, gak tau namanya sekarang apa ), Intan Nginden
5. ITC Mega Grosir (depan pasar Atum)
6. Komp.Ruko Graha Niaga Citra Jl.Rungkut Madya Kav.9 UPN-Surabaya
7. Drive thru MCD
* MC Donalds Delta Plaza
* dll
8. Drago La Brasserie, MEX Building, Jl Pregolan dan Tegalsari.
9. Sheraton Hotel, tidak hanya di lobi, namun juga di bagian lain hotel. Di ballroom lebih cepat dan stabil daripada yang di lobi.
10. Novotel Hotel
11. JW Mariot Hotel, Lobby
12. Shangri-La Hotel, Lobby (katanya gratis, tapi aku coba disuruh login)
13. Surabaya Plaza Hotel, Cafe Taman
14. Black Angus steakhouse jalan Raya Gubeng 40. >>Komentar no 58
15. DRAGO La Brasserie -MEX Building di Jl. Plegolan no.1-5-SURABAYA
16. Tomodachi Cafe di Jl Embong Ploso 27 Surabaya
17. Telkom Cafe Surabaya di Plasa Tunjungan 2, lantai LG
18. Monumen Kapal Selam (Monkasel), Delta Plasa.
19. Taman Surya, depan Balai Kota Surabaya, Jl. Jimerto
20. Mall BgJunction

Akses Internet WiFi Gratis Derah Malang :

1. Kampus UM(pascasarjana UM)
2. Kampus brawijaya(F.pertanian,F.ekonomi,F. teknis,Lap.Rektorat)
3. Kampus 3 UMM
4. ABM
5. Alun-alun kota Malang, jl. kawi.
6. Perpustakaan Pusat kota Malang
8. MATOS lantai 1
9. Plasa Dieng semua lantai

Akses Internet WiFi Gratis Daerah Bali :

1. Bali deli Bistro
2. Undiknas, Denpasar
3. Surya Husadha International Hospital, Jl. Pulau Serangan No.7 - Denpasar-BALI

Akses Internet WiFi Gratis Daerah Makasar :

1. Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar, Komp.Fakultas Ekonomi,Magister Manajemen, Sekrang sudah terkover hampir semua fakultas, di Jalan Kandea, Makassar

Akses Internet WiFi Gratis Daerah Kalimantan : Kalimantan Timur :

1. UNIVERSITAS borneo Tarakan
2. Taman oval tarakan
3. RSUD tarakan
4. SMPN 1
5. SMPN7
6. SMK1

Akses Internet WiFi Gratis Daerah Jayapura :

1. Swiss Bell Hotel, Ruko Dok 2 Jayapura.
2. Papua Trade Center, Entrop Kelapa dua.
3. Aula Dikjar Dok IX Jayapura.

Free HotSpot on Singapura :

1. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf; 109 North Bridge Road 01-34/35 Funan The IT Mall Singapore 179097
2. Ya Kun Kaya Toast; 109 North Bridge Road 01-16 Funan The IT Mall Singapore 179097
3. DeliFrance Café; 109 North Bridge Road 01-K5 Funan The IT Mall Singapore 179097
4. Information Counter 1; 109 North Bridge Road L1 Funan The IT Mall Singapore 179097
5. Information Counter 2; 109 North Bridge Road L1 Funan The IT Mall Singapore 179097
6. Nanyang Technological University Library; Nanyang Avenue Singapore 639798
7. National University of Singapore Libraries; 12 Kent Ridge Crescent Singapore 119275

Monday, September 29, 2008


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Monday, September 1, 2008

Bisnis Yuk...

kebanyakan dari kita selalu mengeluh" ingin bisnis nich, tapi engga tau mau bisnis apa ya...". zaman sekarang mau bisnis tidak sesusah jaman orde baru...internet sudah bisa membuat Anda melakukan bisnis tanpa modal yang besar. tetapi dengan hasil yang lumayan besar..ada informasi yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk memulai bisnis dengan modal kerja dan waktu kerja yang sangat fleksebil..., mau tau lebih lanjut klik aja BISNIS HEBOH 2008

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Home-Based Business Kit: From Hobby To Profit

This book is designed to help the reader identify the information needed to start a home business based on a hobby or special interest. It helps the reader think through all aspects of what is needed and the practical steps to take in order to get underway. These resources include financial as well as promotional assistance, at both the state and federal levels.

The book covers such diverse topics as: what is special about a home-based business; a discussion of ethics in business (one of the hottest topics on the national scene today); financial and managerial issues; legal requirements and protections; business plans; and federal and state tax considerations.

Appendices include the following: sample articles of incorporation and bylaws; budget worksheets; lists of activities that could become small businesses; sample business plans; sample marketing plans; and state-by-state business filing information.

About the Author
Diana Brodman Summers has an undergraduate degree from Roosevelt University and her JD from DePaul College of Law, Chicago, Illinois.

D-M Boulay is an attorney-mediator and arbiter for business disputes, health matters and family law situations. She has coauthored many self-help titles including. The Entrepreneur’s Legal Guide. Ms. Boulay currently resides in Roseville, Minnesota.

Free Download

Home business Ideas: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Home business Ideas: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Secrets of Milionaire Moms

What’s the difference between the most successful mom entrepreneurs and you? They believed in their ideas enough to commit to them and even in the face of adversity rarely accepted “no” for an answer. In Secrets of Millionaire Moms, mom entrepreneur Tamara Monosoff interviewed some of the most successful “Millionaire Moms” of our time including the founders of Lulu’s Desserts®, Baby Einstein®, Shabby Chic®, and Airborne Health®. What she learned will help you make that leap from great idea to booming business, including

  • Priceless advice about business management, finances, and growth
  • Tips on balancing the business with family
  • What inspired the Millionaire Moms to take action-and what keeps them going
About the Author
Tamara Monosoff is founder and chief executive of Mom Inventors, Inc., a business she launched from her own kitchen table. She is the bestselling author of The Mom Inventors Handbook.

Free Download